Precision-made testing

June 13, 2022

Over the years, we’ve become known as scientific testing experts. Although this is still at the core of all we do, we’re making a shift in our value promise to crystalize more precisely what we’ve actually been doing all these years. And in so doing, we can focus on doing this even stronger than before.

Our aim is simply to add more value for customers through our scientific testing. Therefore, the shift for us is to take a wider perspective on what we’re doing and the value we provide by tailoring our services even more precisely to match our customers’ strategic marketing goals.

Let’s start with what scientific testing has meant to us at Solar Simulator. First, we always provide open and transparent results to our customers so they can further use the results to promote their own products and services. Second, we document our results comprehensively. Third, we produce benchmark publications, even from small-scale tests, either alone or together with our customers. And finally, we use testing methods and procedures that lead to something greater and more all-encompassing, rather than just because standards say to do so.

Our shift in focus moves scientific testing to precision-made testing – in other words, offering our customers something of greater value from the results obtained.

Precision-made testing is our promise to start with a full understanding of our customer’s marketing situation and then provide the best possible tailored testing to help them solve potential challenges. It is our commitment to perform testing as accurately as possible. The results and confidence we provide can then be further implemented in our customer’s strategic marketing materials and communications, helping them crystalize their competitive edge. Plus, it means careful selection of samples and their final location to specify the right testing required for the job.

For example, when testing displays used outdoors, we take into consideration where the sample will be located. Is it in full sun or half shade? How is it attached to a wall or other device? What is the worst-case scenario? How do end users perform their job with the display? What criteria are used when purchasing the display?

Standards don’t require all these extra perspectives to be considered. But through our years of experience, we know what counts in the end between a successful product and a flop.

Our precision-made testing at its best brings you greater value than standards alone – and gives you the sharpest possible competitive advantage for your business.

<< Takaisin


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