Optical Analysis
Changes, such as colour change, that take place during exposure are optically measured. In addition to colour, most typical optical values measured are transmittance, reflectance, absorbance and haze. We also measure gloss, yellowness index and colour aberrations.
The colour change during testing is estimated from the colour change (DE) calculated from the measured L* a* b* colour coordinates. Colour change is defined in such a way that a change of one unit in magnitude corresponds to a change that can just about be perceived by the eye. A change in gloss is estimated with the help of the residual gloss, which corresponds to a percantage change in the gloss
We provide measurements such as light distribution and light flux measurements related to lamps and luminaires. We are also lisenced to measure the optical properties, irradiance, of lamps designed of explosive atmospheres.
Our optics measurement service helps in all things related to optical measurements.
- ASTM D1044-05 Standard Test Method for Resistance of Transparent Plastics to Surface Abrasion haze
- CIE1976 Colour coordinates
- DIN 67530:1982 Gloss
- ISO 2810:1999 Gloss
- ISO 105-03: 1993 Visual inspection, Grey Scale
- ASTM E313 Yellowness Index
- ASTM D 1003-07 Haze luminous transmittance of transparent plastics
- ISO 9050:2003 Optical properties of Glazing
- ISO 13803-2000 Reflection Haze
- ISO 14782-1999 Haze
- ISO 13468-2-1998 luminous transmittance
- ISO FDIS 13837 Safety Glazing Solar Transmittance 2008
- E1477-98A luminous reflectance
- Total Solar Heat Transmittance
- Total Solar Heat Reflectance